With over 100 wedding photographers and custom Showit website clients served, I’ve come to learn a lot about “coming soon” pages. More specifically, how to use your “coming soon” page to generate leads, even before your full website is up and running (spoiler alert: if you’re between sites, and you take everything down except a coming soon page, you’re going to see a HUGE dip in SEO.
Here’s 5 must haves for your coming soon page to help generate leads!
- Include some information about the venues you like to shoot at. This is SEO gold. At the very least, create a list, but if you can provide at least a paragraph about why you love to shoot at each venue, you’ll instantly have a leg up on those out there that just have the words “coming soon.”
- Write a short, informal bio about yourself. Ideally, you should introduce yourself, talk a little bit about the kind of clients you serve, and where you’re located. Beyond all else if you take one thing away from this blog post, PLEASE don’t forget to mention where you’re located! Google is just a robot – it doesn’t automatically know where you’re from/bring you up in search results if you don’t give it the information it needs (more info on that here!)
- Make sure the coming soon page includes your logo and matches your branding. Consistency is everything, especially when you’re making the shift to an entirely new site. You don’t want your potential client to land back on your site a few months from now when they’re finally ready to book and wonder if they’re in the right place.
- Since they can’t view your entire portfolio on your website, direct them somewhere they can view more of your recent work. For most photographers, that place is Instagram.
- Invite them to take action. Give a starting price, and a link to book a call with you. Just because you’re in between sites doesn’t mean you can’t be booking calls with potential clients!
I know this can sound like a lot – maybe even a little overwhelming, especially if you’re already deep into building an entirely new site. To help lend a hand, we’ve created a FREE coming soon template that includes ALL of the key items listed above! Remember, the whole point of your website is to generate leads (especially if you’re redoing your site during your slow season, as most people do) so we don’t want those numbers to dip while your new website is in the works!