Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been in the biz for a few years, there are things worth it to invest in. They’ll help build longevity, scaleability and legitimacy. Take it from me, I waited a few years to invest in a few of these things, and hands down I wish I had done it sooner. Here’s my top 3 things every entrepreneur needs to invest in, ASAP!
Invest in: an intentionally designed website
Not just a pretty website, but a thoughtfully and purposefully designed website. Functionality > design. As a visual artist I never thought I’d say those words, but it’s true. That being said, don’t wait ten years trying to perfect your website before launching it. Done is always better than perfect.
If you feel like your website isn’t up to speed (read our last post – 7 Signs You Might Be Ready For a New Website) with where you’re at in your business, we have a collection of 6 pre-designed website templates for sale in our design market!
They’re all purposefully designed to convert viewers to clients, build your email list, and showcase your work all while making you look more legit. Legitimacy allows you to justify a higher price point- raise those rates, baby!)
Invest in: a reputable accountant/bookkeeper
Hands down the biggest mistake I have made in my business is not having an accountant from day one. I shudder to think of all the mistakes I made doing my own taxes in those early years. When I finally hired someone and explained to her how I had been doing my taxes (as well as tracking my sales) I was embarrassed at how many things she pointed out that needed to be fixed.
I know…when you’re starting out and penny pinching it seems unnecessary to pay for something you could do on your own, but just think how much time you’re saving in addition to the weight off your shoulders. It used to take me a solid month to do my taxes. For a small investment (I pay in quarterly installments) I have all of this done for me. I get that entire month BACK and allowing me to do billable work for clients instead.
Invest in: an experienced copywriter
I tried offering this as a service once, and let me say I will never do it again! Copy writing is HARD WORK. Yes, it’s pricey. Yes, it takes some time to go through the process. But trust me when I say it’s WORTH IT.
I’ve had 2 or 3 past clients that have worked with a copywriter simultaneously while we were building their site. It streamlines the website design process SO MUCH to have everything written out ahead of time for me, and the growth I see from these clients is exponential compared to those who write the copy themselves. Copywriters are paramount at writing text that captures AND converts, using language that sounds approachable and unintimidating, and sticking witty banter in the BEST of places (one time I had someone work a “that’s what she said” joke onto a paragraph on an about page, and it still sounded professional.
I could go on and on…there are SO many things worthy of investing your money in. I’ll probably write a follow up to this post because I can already think of more….but I’ll leave it at 3 for now!
Have questions or need recommendations? Shoot us an email and we’ll send over a list of our favorite biz people to partner with!