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Launching Your Website Templates Website launches can be total chaos! Launching a new page or product may feel both terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time and either way, you’re probably going to be stressed out by the end of it, so we’ve compiled our best tips to help you make sure that your […]

3 Things I Learned From My Most Recent Template Launch


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There are hundreds of thousands of fonts available on the internet. Seriously. Some are free and can be used anywhere and everywhere. But some have been very carefully handcrafted by designers (these are usually the prettiest ones) and have to be purchased either directly from the creator or through a third party site the creator […]

What Is A Webfont License and Why Do I Need One?

Website Tips

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Looking back at 2020…whew. What can I even say. To say that the year was fully of ups and downs, struggles, and just in every way was unpredictable sounds like SUCH an understatement and quite frankly an insult to those who have truly had one of the worst years of their lives. I do not […]

Looking Back at 2020 and Planning Ahead for the New Year


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Perfecting your business’s personal aesthetic through branding photography can be a challenge, but it’s easier than it seems! As a professional, you want your brand message to be clear throughout all of your visuals so that clients can recognize your brand right off the bat. Not sure how to get started creating a consistent brand […]

Branding Photography Tips for Captivating Website Photos

Website Tips

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The Versatility of Showit as an Entrepreneur’s Website Template I’ve got to level with all of the creatives, entrepreneurs, photographers, and coaches out there for a second. If you don’t have full control over the functionality and appearance of your site, as well as the ability to update it however you want, whenever you want, […]

Why You Need To Be Using Showit’s Templates as a Creative Entrepreneur

Website Tips

Hey, I’m Christina! Ten years ago, I was a wedding photographer who loved being creative but didn’t feel totally at home in my work. 

It was only when I discovered Showit, the drag-and-drop website platform that I realized I enjoyed building my website more than I liked doing anything else.

Today, we are a Showit Design Partner and 2021’s Showit Designer of the Year, with 100+ custom clients served, and thousands of templates sold to passionate creatives.


Learn more about the tools, apps, and software I use to keep my business running.  BONUS: save up to $200 on certain subscriptions when you try for yourself!

Why We Love The Showit Web Platform →

Why a BCo Template Is Perfect For Your Business →

The 3 Biggest Time Saving Apps I Use In My Business →

5 Honeybook Features That Might Surprise You →

3 Tools You Should Be Using To Track Your Website Traffic →