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I’m a self taught designer, through and through. I’ve never taken a design course in my life. My degree is actually in photography, so everything I know about design is just the bits and pieces strung together that I’ve picked up over the past ten years. Sometimes I look back at the beginning stages of […]

For Designers: 4 Mistakes I Made (And Learned From) Early In My Business

For Designers

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I’ve been designing Showit website templates for eight long years. My first few didn’t sell….at all. I think I went three years with just one sale….and I made the mistake of telling the customer she could pay half upfront and then paypal me the remaining balance a month later. Do you think she ever paid […]

5 Tips For Designers Creating Their First Website Templates

Website Tips

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Plot twist, I’ve never taken a design course in my life. I’ve spoken a few times on here about how I went to school for photography, not design. This is something I’m asked about often, so here’s a more detailed breakdown of how I became a branding and Showit website designer! From starving artist to […]

How I Became a Brand Designer and Showit Website Designer


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We’ve been with Showit for nearly 10 years, and we’re lucky to be one of their small team of Design Partners. Want to learn more? We design our websites exclusively with Showit 5, a drag-and-drop website builder made by and for photographers, designers, and creative entrepreneurs. Here’s why we love it so much: No Code. […]

Why We Love The Showit Web Platform

For Designers

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The other day I mentioned that I’ve never taken a design course. Well, I’ve never taken a business course either. A quote that always stuck with me throughout college is to “never let your schooling interfere with your education.” And to be honest, 100% of what I know about business, I’ve learn from other business […]

5 Books About Mindfulness That Have Helped Me Grow as an Entrepreneur


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I will always be an advocate for working with a designer for a custom website build. Our job is to help organize your thoughts and get you from point a to point b (making money). We know the best way to organize your content for maximum impact and functionality – we’re up to date on […]

How and When To DIY Your Own Website (just because you can, doesn’t mean you should).


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I’ve been working as a designer for over ten years, and trust me when I say I’ve had my share of BAD clients. Don’t underestimate the power of a bad client experience….not just on them, but on the toll it can take on you as a designer. Over the past year I have had a […]

Red Flags To Look For In Clients : Designer Edition

For Designers

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A good copy writer will be able to listen to your story, observe how you do business, listen to your goals and motivations, and write absolutely magical copy for your website. In my 10+ years in business, I never thought hiring a copy writer was *necessary* for my business. This past year I’ve experienced a […]

Why I Recommend Working With A Copy Writer For Your Website

Website Tips

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I know it sounds crazy as a website designer to say that my outdated, “just ok” website was keeping me from making money, but it’s true. I was leaving money on the table. A few weeks ago I wrote a bit about my trip to Cabo San Lucas for Showit‘s first official Design Summit. The […]

How Having a Mediocre Website was Costing Me Money

Website Tips

Hey, I’m Christina! Ten years ago, I was a wedding photographer who loved being creative but didn’t feel totally at home in my work. 

It was only when I discovered Showit, the drag-and-drop website platform that I realized I enjoyed building my website more than I liked doing anything else.

Today, we are a Showit Design Partner and 2021’s Showit Designer of the Year, with 100+ custom clients served, and thousands of templates sold to passionate creatives.


Learn more about the tools, apps, and software I use to keep my business running.  BONUS: save up to $200 on certain subscriptions when you try for yourself!

Why We Love The Showit Web Platform →

Why a BCo Template Is Perfect For Your Business →

The 3 Biggest Time Saving Apps I Use In My Business →

5 Honeybook Features That Might Surprise You →

3 Tools You Should Be Using To Track Your Website Traffic →